"The Busker"
The most recent project I have completed.
Done across two months the brief was to bring the coinkid to life, the theme of the song is perseverance though adversity in the creative industries. Since I was using after effects and it has certain ways of moving objects and has a certain 'flow' to its movement my aim was to create a paper puppet like scene as though they were all moving on safety pin joints. 
considering the budget of 0 and time frame of two months, not bad. Theres a lot i'd change now, but im still proud of it.
Adventures in frame by frame..
As the pay the man standard grows higher my animations have before more rooted in frame by frame than the previous after effects animation of the busker. These are two shorts completed for use during live streams.
Design Futures Module
A motion graphic made to raise awareness of the rising loss of local slang and accent based discrimination 
Pay The Man
Instagram commercials
Two quick adverts made in after effects to promote singles and tours
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